Mushroom Tea , A Comprehensive Guide For Making Mushroom Tea

Making mushroom tea from psilocybin mushrooms carries inherent risks and may be unsafe for everyone. Therefore I will provide you with instructions for making mushroom tea.

Mushroom Tea

Recently, mushroom tea has gained popularity as a favored beverage among celebrities and health nutritionists, who are always eager to embrace the potential benefits of various trends. We will also guide inappropriately making mushroom tea.

Fortunately, this trendy drink doesn’t require complicated recipes and can be effortlessly prepared in the comfort of your kitchen. By delving into this simple recipe, you can add your personal touch to cater to your unique taste preferences and enjoy many excellent health advantages.

What is Mushroom Tea?

Mushroom Tea is a delightful infusion created by steeping edible mushrooms in water, resulting in a palatable beverage with many potential benefits, such as alleviating nausea and reducing vomiting.

This tea is commonly prepared using lingzhi mushrooms or psychedelic mushrooms, which are safe for consumption and boast numerous health advantages.


Potential Health Benefits of Mushroom Tea

Mushroom tea is gaining popularity for its potential health benefits, and incorporating it into your routine may provide various advantages. These are some possible health advantages of drinking mushroom tea:

1. Boosts Immunity

Certain mushroom varieties, such as Reishi and Chaga, contain compounds that can enhance the body’s immune response, helping to defend against infections and illnesses.

2. Possesses Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Many mushrooms used in tea, like turkey tail and lion’s mane, are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. These can help reduce inflammation and may contribute to managing inflammatory conditions.

3. Rich in Antioxidants

This can aid in protecting cells from damage and supporting overall health.

4. Fights Cancer

Some mushrooms, such as turkey tail and shiitake, have been studied for their potential anticancer properties. They contain bioactive compounds that may inhibit tumor growth and support conventional cancer treatments.

5. Reduces Blood Pressure

Certain mushroom species like maitake have been associated with blood-pressure-lowering effects. Regular consumption of mushroom tea may contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

6. Anti Aging Effects

The antioxidants found in mushroom tea may play a role in combating oxidative stress, contributing to aging. By reducing oxidative damage, mushroom tea promotes healthy aging.

How To Make Psychedelic Mushroom Tea (Magic Mushroom Tea)?

Magic mushroom tea has grown in popularity due to its calming and stress-relieving qualities,. Please be aware that the use of certain mushrooms may contain psilocybin, a psychoactive substance, and is illegal in many places.


  • Psilocybin-containing mushrooms (3.5-5 grams, dried)
  • Water (2 cups or 340-400 ml)
  • Lemon Juice, Honey (Optional)


  1. Fill a pot with one cup of water, then bring it to a boil.
  2. Carefully break down the dried mushroom pieces into smaller chunks or grind them into a coarse powder.
  3. Add a tea bag for flavor and scent, if desired. 15–17 minutes should be given for the mixture to steep. 
  4.  In the meantime, heat up one more cup of water in a separate pan. Add lemon juice, fresh ginger slices, and honey to this boiling water for added taste.
  5. After the mushroom mixture has steeped appropriately, combine it with the second mixture in the saucepan.
  6. Once the tea is ready, strain it using a thin sieve to remove any mushroom remnants or solids.
  7. Serve the tea in a cup and enjoy it responsibly.

Remember, consuming substances containing psilocybin may have profound legal and health implications.

How To Make Chaga Mushroom Tea?

Chaga mushrooms are renowned for their medicinal properties, boasting an abundance of antioxidants and beta glucans that offer various health benefits, including potential cancer-fighting properties.

One of the simplest ways to enjoy these advantages is by preparing Chaga Mushroom Tea. This tea is typically consumed without any sweeteners, and for a refreshing twist, it can also be savored as an iced tea by refrigerating the brewed tea for a few hours.


  • Chaga Tea Bag or 1-inch Chaga Chunk Piece
  • 2 cups of Hot Water
  • Cinnamon (Optional)
  • Honey (Optional)


  1. If using pieces of Chaga, pour 1 liter of water into a pot. Use as much water for a teabag as your cup can hold. 140–160°F (60–71°C) of water should be heated.
  2. Prepare the Chaga chunks by breaking them into smaller pieces with a hammer, aiming for small fine chunks to enhance the flavor and benefits.
  3. For a more robust flavor when using a tea bag, steep it in boiling water for five to seven minutes or longer. Soaking for extended hours will result in a more bitter and potent tea, suitable for a premium dark consistent cup of tea.
  4. A touch of cinnamon, drizzles of maple syrup, or honey can be added to the naturally mild flavor of chaga mushroom tea to improve it.
  5. Your tasty Chaga mushroom tea is ready; serve and savor.

How To Make Reishi Mushroom Tea?

Lingzhi or Reishi Mushrooms have garnered acclaim for their abundance of antioxidants and ability to boost white blood cells. Reishi Mushroom Tea is well-regarded for its earthy flavor complemented by subtle hints of pleasant bitterness.

Combine the dried Reishi mushrooms with marjoram leaves or dried flowers like rosemary, chamomile, or peppermint to prepare this tea. Following this straightforward process, you can enjoy a delightful cup of Reishi Mushroom Tea packed with its beneficial properties.


  • 10 slices of dried Lingzhi or Reishi Mushrooms
  • 8-10 Marjoram Leaves or 5 drops of Marjoram Oil
  • 8 ounces of hot water
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Almond milk
  • Fresh lemon juice


  1. Bring 8 ounces of water to a boil in a kettle or saucepan.
  2. When the water in the pan is boiling, add the thinly sliced Reishi mushrooms.
  3. Turn down the heat and stir in almond milk, 2 tablespoons of honey, and marjoram leaves or oil.
  4. If you want a more robust flavor, let the tea simmer for longer, preferably 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. To remove any remaining mushroom matter, stir the tea and drain it into a cup.
  6. To finish, sprinkle in a little extra fresh lemon juice to boost the flavor.

Safety Precautions

It is crucial to be aware that consuming magic mushrooms may lead to hallucinogenic effects. These effects can include nausea, vomiting, distortion of sound and vision, and even hallucinations. It is crucial to use caution and speak with your doctor before consuming magic mushrooms if you have any pre-existing medical issues or are taking any drugs. 

Additionally, it is essential to emphasize that magic mushrooms are sold strictly for mycological studies. Ensuring these safety measures will help promote responsible and informed use of magic mushrooms.

How to Choose The Dosage to Take?

Choosing the correct magic mushroom dose is essential since it might vary depending on several characteristics that are specific to each person. Generally speaking, depending on whether the mushrooms are dry, the recommended dosage ranges from 1 to 2 grams (0.035-0.070 oz).

It is suggested to start with a low dose when the psilocybin concentration is unknown. It is crucial to stress that the dosage should be chosen carefully while respecting individual preferences and safety.

Why Do People Drink Mushroom Tea?

Exploring Potential Health Benefits

Some people are interested in the possible therapeutic effects of psilocybin, the psychoactive compound found in certain mushrooms. Studies have suggested that psilocybin may positively impact mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. By consuming mushroom tea, individuals seek to explore these potential benefits.

Ease of Administration

Preparing mushroom tea is a simple and convenient way to ingest psilocybin. Unlike eating raw mushrooms, which can be challenging due to their texture and taste, brewing them into tea makes consumption more palatable.

Masking the Taste

Mushrooms, especially certain varieties, can have a strong and unpleasant flavor. Mushroom tea allows individuals to mask the taste by adding natural herbs, sweeteners, or other additives, making it a more enjoyable and tolerable experience.

It is important to note that the consumption of psilocybin-containing mushrooms is subject to legal restrictions in many jurisdictions, and any use for therapeutic purposes should be approached with caution and under appropriate medical supervision.

Additionally, individual reactions to psychedelics can vary, and consuming mushrooms should always be done responsibly and with awareness of potential risks.

Taste Notes and Aroma of Mushroom Tea

Indulge in a unique culinary journey and savor the enticing scents and delightful flavors of mushroom tea, transporting you to a world of earthly pleasures. As you cradle a warm cup, anticipation fills you, eager to experience this extraordinary beverage.

Each mushroom variety offers a delightful surprise, from shiitake’s savory notes to chaja’s woody undertones. The resulting infusion is a rich, umami flavor that varies with the mushroom type. Take a sip of shiitake tea, and you’ll be greeted by its subtly meaty and savory essence, while chaga or reishi tea delights with its earthy and delicately bitter character.

Allow the inviting aroma to envelop you, evoking visions of lush forests and the healing power of nature. As you relish the tea’s natural sweetness, it lingers on your taste buds, leaving you with a profound sense of tranquility and contentment. This extraordinary experience promises to be one of a kind, an exploration of flavors and scents that is genuinely original and captivating.

Can You Grow Your Mushrooms to Make Shroom Tea?

It may be gratifying and relatively easy to grow mushrooms at home. A spore syringe, fine-grade vermiculite, perlite, brown rice flour, filtered water, wide-mouth mason jars, micropore tape, a pressure cooker or large pot, a lighter, a plastic storage container, silica packets, and optionally, a dehydrator and pressure cooker wire rack are necessary tools for growing magic mushrooms.

It’s important to remember that various kinds of mushrooms call for particular substrates, such as dung, bird feed, or grain, instead of brown rice flour. Additionally, different types of mushrooms could have particular environmental needs regarding humidity, temperature, and ventilation.

 Risks Associated With Consuming Magic Mushroom Tea

While consuming magic mushroom tea can increase the potency of psilocybin mushrooms, it’s essential to be aware that a faster and more intense experience may not always be better, especially for individuals new to psilocybin use.

Individuals with cardiovascular problems or psychosis should avoid their use, and certain medications may interact negatively with psychedelics. Therefore, it’s essential to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and consider personal health conditions before consuming these substances.


One rare condition associated with psilocybin use is Hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD), characterized by frequent hallucinations or “flashbacks” that can last for weeks, months, or even years.


Combining magic mushroom tea with certain antidepressants like SSRIs or MAOIs can raise serotonin levels and lead to serotonin syndrome.

To remain safe, it’s best to avoid psilocybin mushrooms if you are on these medications, as stopping them before use is not advisable.


What flavor is mushroom tea?

The taste of the mushroom used might have an impact on the flavor of the tea. The taste of mushroom tea can vary depending on the type of mushroom used. Some mushrooms, like Reishi, taste bitter and earthy, while others, like Lion’s Mane, can have a slightly seafood-like flavor. Adding sweeteners or other herbal teas can help mask the taste if you find it challenging to drink.

What are the benefits of mushroom tea?

Different mushroom species offer various potential health benefits. Some mushrooms are believed to support the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and boost energy levels.

Can All Mushrooms tea pose risks?

Some studies suggest that combining certain antidepressants with psilocybin may not pose a risk, but caution should still be exercised.

Final Verdict

Mushroom tea is a popular beverage made from various medicinal mushrooms in hot water. It offers a unique and potentially beneficial way to consume these mushrooms and their associated health properties. However, caution must be exercised when using mushrooms for tea, as some species can be toxic or cause adverse effects if not correctly identified and prepared.

It’s essential to use safe and reputable mushroom sources and consult with experts or healthcare professionals before incorporating them into your diet for health purposes. Additionally, the taste of mushroom tea can vary based on the mushroom used, and adding other ingredients can enhance its flavor.

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